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 Ето малко за ,,Деус '' от авторитетен форум

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Ето малко за ,,Деус '' от авторитетен форум Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Ето малко за ,,Деус '' от авторитетен форум   Ето малко за ,,Деус '' от авторитетен форум EmptyСря Май 10, 2017 7:42 pm

While GMP program is generally best for most of conditions; Deus Fast is best coin collector i ever seen in my life!
In highly infested and poluted soils Deus Fast is PERFECT!
No way to mask coin and prevent Deus Fast to pick it! Simply no way!
Today i collected 28 roman smallest coins between old holes on highly mineralized and poluted soil. Hundreds of rusty iron pieces scattered around and hundreds of hotrocks and minerals in soil. GMP program also detected them all, but sometimes giving me misty response, so i switched to Deus Fast and response was than perfectly clear!
Tesoro picked just 10% of targets ...
Another splendid thing; first time in my life today i was able to say which target is lead and which is not! No matter the conditions Deus will always indicate lead in scale from 30 to 50, depends on size and depth. This is true relevation for me cose most of Roman sites here are highly infested with lead chunks and pieces. True headache for coin shooting!
And GEB monitoring using simple digits is something that i was always dreamed about.
At the same time, constant manual GEB readjusing, is something that boost up performances to "outer space" !
Here is the problem for everybody who like to see what Deus can do:
take silver coin 8mm diamm and 0.1mm thick and place it in 32cm deep hole in vertical position.
Cover it with few hotrocks and minerals. Than cover it with soil.
Than try to detect it!
Deus can do! Can you ? Cool
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