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Металотърсачи България. Форум за мнения за металдетектори и металдетектинг. Спортен клуб по металдетектинг MDETECTORS
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 Vivax Group Ltd. is the new official representative of all of the trademarks of First Texas Limited USA for Bulgaria.

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Vivax Group Ltd. is the new official representative of all of the trademarks of First Texas Limited USA for Bulgaria.  Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Vivax Group Ltd. is the new official representative of all of the trademarks of First Texas Limited USA for Bulgaria.    Vivax Group Ltd. is the new official representative of all of the trademarks of First Texas Limited USA for Bulgaria.  EmptyСъб Юни 26, 2010 10:11 pm

Vivax Group Ltd. is the new official representative of all of the trademarks of First Texas Limited USA for Bulgaria.  Vivaxfisherimg.th

Vivax Group Ltd. is the new official representative of all of the trademarks of First Texas Limited USA for Bulgaria.
The upper includes the trademarks of metal detectors - Fisher, Teknetics, Bounty Hunter and night vision devices - IGen.

This happened at 16th - 17th of June , 2010 after the successful certification of Vivax Group Ltd. personally by Mr. Crack Fresher Ltd. a representative of First Texas. The distribution of metal detectors organization was highly rated as well as the professional work service, which allows the shortest possible time for servicing.

A very high evaluation was given also to the specialized online shop for metal detectors - owned by Vivax Group Ltd. - www.mdetectors.com, which shop has a major market share in Bulgaria аs well as a significant share at the European market.

Vivax Group Ltd. became the owner of the domains: www.fisher.bg ; www.teknetiks.bg and www.bountyhunter.bg and at the same time launched a new online “supermarket” of equipment, accessories, outfit and equipment for hobbies, leisure, mountaineering, collectibles, hunting and meta

The company plans to produce and sell special search coils S.E.F. for the Fisher F2 and Fisher F5 models, as a result two new sets will be developed – F2 mega and F5 mega with two search coils, which will become the most competitive in its class.
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Vivax Group Ltd. is the new official representative of all of the trademarks of First Texas Limited USA for Bulgaria.
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